
「人とペットの共生を考える国際シンポジウム 2002」
"The International Symposium for the Symbiotic Relationship
Between Human and Animals 2002"

 Shuji KANDA

As urbanization advances, a number of nuclear families increases, and the society ages with less and less children, people's awareness and what they expect from pet animals is changing largely. Pet animals are becoming more and more important for the life of their owners as a family member as well as a life partner. On the other hand, people's awareness of animal-raising is largely immature. News of animal abuse attracts social attention, and people continue to neglect and abandon their pets too easily. Neighborhood trouble cases over pet animals due to inappropriate animal-raising are increasing. Under such situations in December 1999, 26 years after the old law for animal companionship and control was enacted, the law was revised at the instance of House members for the purpose of realizing a community where people and animals live together symbiotically through proper animal raising.

According to the purpose of the revision, it is urgently needed to promote proper animal-raising for which owners should bear responsibility. As a model of proper animal-raising, the standards for Raising and Keeping of House Animals and Others were established and announced on May 28 based on the report of the Central Environmental Council. The new standards request animal owners to understand and fulfill their responsibility regulated in the law. Specifically, acquisition of knowledge needed before starting to raise animals; restriction of breeding; statement of ownership through microchips and other means; promotion of keeping cats indoors; measures against animal-derived infections; promotion of proper raising of animals kept at schools under the guidance of veterinarians and other experts; and many other items are included in the new standards.

In addition, proper animal-raising is also an urgent matter for solving the problem of imported species that go wild and disturb the ecosystem by giving pressure to native wild animal species. The new national biodiversity strategies established on March 27 include the need for proper control of pets and other animals. The standards for Raising and Keeping of House Animals and Others request animal owners to acquire sufficient knowledge in advance regarding wild animal-raising and to use the acquired knowledge to determine carefully when to start raising. At the same time, the standards clearly state that owners are responsible for preventing their animals from escaping, preying on or giving pressure to wild animals, and so on.

One of the largest issues in enforcing the revised law for symbiosis of human and animals is to support civil activities rooted in regional activities and let the standards known widely by using animal companionship promoters and councils, which are systematically positioned for the first time under the revised law, in cooperation with local governments and related non-government organizations.

Born in 1955

1978 Graduated from the Forestry Department, the University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture.
1979 Left the Graduate School of Agriculture of the University of Tokyo before completing the course. And Entered the Ministry of Environment

Went on loan to the Nature Conservation Bureau, the Water Quality Bureau, National Institute for Environmental Studies, and the Forestry Agency.

Chief of the Nature Conservation Division, Fukui Prefecture Department of Welfare and Environment (from May 1999 to March 2001)

April 2001 to present Director of Animal Companionship, the Nature Conservation Bureau, the Ministry of Environment.

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